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Chilton Woods Energy Centre
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study
Providing CFD, design & engineering services in partnership with JG Consulting for the 'Community Heat Hub serving the residential community of Taylor Wimpey site Chilton Woods, Suffolk.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) simulations were modelled by Element, to provide confidence to the client and planning that the proposed energy centre would not pose a risk of cold discomfort and visible plumage that would be deemed unacceptable to the local community.
In collaboration with utility provider GTC, the hub will utilize large-scale air source heat pumps to supply residential areas with heating and hot water. This initiative is expected to cut carbon emissions by approximately 80% in comparison to conventional gas heating
The Community Heat Hub solution offers a significant reduction in carbon emissions, aligning with the 2025 Future Homes Standard (FHS). With advancements in renewable energy sources like wind and solar, it's poised to support the 2050 net zero carbon goal. As the electric grid evolves towards net zero, this system will inherently achieve net zero status.
This innovative system includes a central Community Heat Hub that distributes hot water to individual homes through an insulated plastic-pipe network, ensuring efficient heating and hot water supply. The hub houses a thermal water storage tank, which is replenished during periods of lower electricity costs. This not only optimizes energy use but also eases the demand on the electric grid, minimizing the need for additional grid infrastructure.
A key aspect of this system is the inclusion of backup electric boilers, enhancing the reliability of the hot water supply. Residents benefit from a straightforward and dependable heat and hot water source, akin to traditional gas systems, but with the added advantages of reduced carbon footprint and forward-looking energy efficiency. The entire system is owned and managed by a specialized company, ensuring professional maintenance and operation.
Client: Metropolitan UK | Taylor Wimpy | GTC
Collaborators: JG Consulting
2022 - Chilton, Suffolk
Images; Taylor Wimpey & Element
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